CFD Program & WOD 2024.10.14.
CFD Program & WOD 2024.10.14. Cross Training BGST A1. Loaded ankle stretch 60 secA2. Assisted German hang 20sec B1. Emom x 12 Min1: 15 KB
Cross Training is a way to vary your fitness program by combining different types of exercise activities..
Suspension training equipments became poplura word-widely 4-5 years ago. The best-know…
The point of functional training is that the whole body is affected It does not focus…
At our place there is the possibility to use the training room without a trainer. Pre-register…
Our box was opened in November 2016, which was one of the first functional fitness gym in Debrecen. Besides FF we offer other sport classes/sessions as well, which are closely related to our profile. There are group, personal trainings and open box spots available. Our trainers are highly qualified, dedicated professionals. Our trainings are hard but fun, success and progress are guaranteed. If you want to give a try or get stronger, or just want to enjoy your workout, you are more than welcome at CFD!
The CFD Team
CFD is a 210 square meter gym close to the city centre in Debrecen. The “arena” is a fully rubberized floor, our equipment is of professional quality.
Check out our pricing plans!
CFD Program & WOD 2024.10.14. Cross Training BGST A1. Loaded ankle stretch 60 secA2. Assisted German hang 20sec B1. Emom x 12 Min1: 15 KB
CFD Program & WOD 2024.10.07. Cross Training BGST A1. Loaded ankle stretch 60 secA2. Assisted German hang 20sec B1. Emom x 12 3 FS 60/45kg
CFD Program & WOD 2024.10.06. Cross Training CORETABATA 5x Hollow RocksV- Sit upHollow HoldToe Touches ’’TURTLE CLUB’’ For Time21 OHS200 m run21 Thruster200 m run15
CFD Program & WOD 2024.10.05. Cross Training A, Emom x10 Odd: 3-5 BMU Even: 30-40 DU B, 4 rounds 10x10m Shuttle run 12 Devil’s clean
CFD Program & WOD 2024.10.04. Cross Training BGST A1. Loaded ankle stretch 60 sec A2. Assisted German hang 20sec B1. Partner Wod: 20-19-18…-3-2-1. -H.P.Clean -FS
CFD Program & WOD 2024.10.03. Cross Training BGST A1. Loaded ankle stretch 60 sec A2. Assisted German hang 20sec B1. Strict Press 5x5reps C1. 21-15-9